Tuesday 14 November 2017


Image result for beesNectar robbing
Some bumblebees cheat by collecting nectar from a plant without entering and pollinating the flower. This is known as nectar robing.

Do Bumblebees sting?
Bumblebee workers and the queens can sting, and their stinger is smooth - not barbed like that of the honeybee - so they can sting more than once.Bumblebees will not die if they use their sting, whereas honey bees will.Foraging bumblebees tend to avoid flowers recently visited by other bumblebees, although they will visit the same patch of flowers. Bumblebees will scent mark the flowers - leaving behind a message to others that the nectar is gone. The scent is secreted from a gland in the bumblebee's tarsus. Scent marking reduces the time spent probing flowers without nectar.

Range / Habitat:
There are over 250 known species, existing primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. Hedgerows near orchards provide food and shelter for pollinators like bumblebees.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

How to be safe on line

Don't given your personal information. There is a down side to the inter net  like cyber bully's. Treat people the way you wold face to face.

Monday 16 October 2017

Thursday 14 September 2017

My hero is kind. She is caring & she is reliable. My hero you can trust. She is independent to.

Cross Country at Peria


First I could see all the kids cheering my name as i ran down the hill . It made me run and run I could not stop. I was cautious that I would get pushed.  Next I got a stitch and I could not move. It felt like I just got burnt under my ribs.I could here the mob of pushing kids. The mud stuck on my legs it stunk like cow poo and I hated it. As I ran I slipped down a hill and I fell into the mud river.  Finally  I could see the finish line but it was to late.  In the end, I came 16th place. 

Monday 4 September 2017

Once there was a little bird cold whistles. He coudnot whistle. His fends tried to help him. But it was now yous adChilean whistles left to the city. He seen Banana man whisking in his shower. He landed on Banana mans hand he then trid to  whistle  he still couldnt whistle then he left. There was a crosing grad blowing a whistles. Whistles fort if he hide it he cold whistle. He trid to stel it but he coldent the crosing grad trind around  

Wednesday 23 August 2017

                          THE FLIGHT OF KUAKA

Kuaka are type of bird that flies in a v formation. In spring the Kuaka or Godwit departs from there breeding nest in the great Siberian and Alaskan tundra. They return to the rich feeding grounds.

Friday 4 August 2017

Friday 16 June 2017

Sun Bears

Sun bears are Special

Image result for cute sun bearsThe ones from Wellington zoo  are special because they are twins. Their  names are Sun bears are from Malaysia .  Sun bears eat anything and everything .

Maui the Legend


On a big hill was a small pa. At the pa the sun 
went very fast. In the pa lived a very strong  and 
powerful man and his name was Maui. 

So Maui set off to slow the sun.  When Maui got to the hill where the sun set, he had weaved a rope out of flax. He hid behind a rock and waited to see the sun arise.  Just then the sun arise. Maui quickly lasooed the sun and beat it with his hook until it said it will slow down.

That is the reason why the days are long and not short.  Maui lead his people so the world would be better.  

Friday 12 May 2017

yesterday  4  actors  came to Mandingo school they did a play at  9:30.It was cold Ruia te kakano nga maunga kohu .The caratis where Mia Hoiho Kiwi Patu Carlos Tane Matu. Carlos whas a sloth .theye wnet to Venezuela. There went one boy 3 grls the boys name whas Mia . I liked kiwi because she whas funey

Wednesday 5 April 2017

I was working down the street wen I seen a dolthi stranded  in a slot wotrriver