Tuesday 14 November 2017


Image result for beesNectar robbing
Some bumblebees cheat by collecting nectar from a plant without entering and pollinating the flower. This is known as nectar robing.

Do Bumblebees sting?
Bumblebee workers and the queens can sting, and their stinger is smooth - not barbed like that of the honeybee - so they can sting more than once.Bumblebees will not die if they use their sting, whereas honey bees will.Foraging bumblebees tend to avoid flowers recently visited by other bumblebees, although they will visit the same patch of flowers. Bumblebees will scent mark the flowers - leaving behind a message to others that the nectar is gone. The scent is secreted from a gland in the bumblebee's tarsus. Scent marking reduces the time spent probing flowers without nectar.

Range / Habitat:
There are over 250 known species, existing primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. Hedgerows near orchards provide food and shelter for pollinators like bumblebees.

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